
The Nicotine-Free StopSmoking Program

100% peace of mind with our Money Back Guarantee.

Stop smoking on the Program in 8-days or your money back.*

If you are ready to give up smoking, then we are ready to help.

We will help one hundred thousand people globally to stop smoking. Currently 30,000 in, we are on a mission to empower people to take control of their smoke-free future. Our job is to make your journey as easy and pain-free as possible.

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Stop Smoking Now


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how the program

Most of our customers have tried several times to give up

In 2 minutes, Co-Founder of the QSN Program, Malcolm Robertson, explains what’s involved and why you should consider the QSN Program to help quit smoking.

Welcome to the QSN® Stop Smoking Program. If you are reading this, you are likely searching for a way to quit smoking.

You may feel very sceptical about any product that promises to help you quit, and we understand that as we hear it all the time.

You’ve probably tried going cold turkey, patches, gum, lozenges and perhaps even medication.

But, before you leave this page, please take a moment to read about what sets the QSN® Stop Smoking Program apart from the rest and make your own decision.

QSN® provides the resources for you to succeed on your stop-smoking journey. We want to put you in control – firstly NaturQuit® can help with your craves and then secondly our Support Program will help you master the skills needed to change your habit.

We know that behaviour change is the only way to permanently give up smoking. And changing behaviour requires a change in mindset.

You will have access to inspiring and educational podcasts, daily emails, SMS text messages and a supportive community of ‘Quitters’ in our private Facebook group.

Learn More →

Vinnie’s Diary on the Program

Vinnie was a 25-30 cigarette-a-day smoker and he kindly agreed to let us film his journey on the Program.

We have edited it down to just 3-minutes, which highlights his key moments.

If you want to see how your journey on the  QSN® 30-Day Stop Smoking Program could be, please watch the video.

Just to highlight my triggers to smoke – the main one is after food, any type of meal, any hot drink, coffee, tea.

Vinnie’s stop smoking diary

Like many people, Vinnie was very sceptical that a stop-smoking product or program could work for him. 

Follow Vinnie on his journey on the program as he is very candid with his thoughts and slip-ups on the Program.

What you get with the QSN® 30-Day Stop Smoking Program

NaturQuit® tablets

Made from plant extracts, which you suck to release the ingredients. These help to reduce the craving to smoke. Our customers tell us that it starts to work after 2 to 3 days.

Daily text messages

A message every day to help keep you motivated. Research shows that a daily motivational SMS helps to increase success rates!

Change coaching

Delivered in our 3-part video podcast series with activities to tailor the program to your exact needs at key points in your journey. Dave our Change Behaviour expert will guide you in developing your personal action plan, based on your particular context, your triggers, and your experiences.

Daily Emails

These keep you informed about the process you are going through. The information is tailored to your particular stage in the journey. You will receive insights from others who have been through the program, learn how they have felt at the same stage, and what worked for them.

Private Facebook Group

Join our private Facebook community in which you can share the experience with people who are going through the same thing. Share and receive tips, guidance, and encouragement.

Chat Support

There is also 24/7 chat customer support. Ask us any questions you have about any aspect of your journey to being a non-smoker.

Does it work?

We know it does from the customers who we have spoken to, who have stopped smoking.

Each month we publish the statistics for our product returns*.  These show the number of people who return their unused Naturquit® tablets to claim their money-back guarantee.

The data is in.  On average, fewer than 5% of our customers return their product to claim a refund and 95% do not return their product for a refund.

See the Products Returns Data link below and see for yourself the data from 2019 – 2023.


What is the QSN® success rate?

From what we see, the majority of people, who follow the Program carefully, stop smoking on it.


Phil M

“I found the ease to stop smoking after 40 years and the support from QSN during the initial period fantastic, would highly recommend this, thank you!”

Phil M

Why it works

Besides the NaturQuit® tablets, the long-term key to success is behavioural change – that’s what we create. If you’re not putting cigarettes in your mouth then you are not smoking.

  • We know you can do this.
  • We will help with craving reduction and motivation to change.
  • We’ll help you to develop the tools you need to cope during stressful times

We have developed a comprehensive program that allows you to tackle the addiction to nicotine rather than replacing it. It was put together in consultation with addiction and behaviour change experts. We crafted the program to achieve our goal of taking the strain away from smokers.

Imagine not actually wanting to smoke

That’s the reality for all of the ex-smokers who have successfully been through our program. And it’s more than 90% of those who tried*.

The majority of our customers, who follow the Program’s instructions carefully, report that by day 8 of the program (and often before), they didn’t feel like smoking.

We have hundreds of 5 STAR reviews from our customers available on this website and on our Facebook pages.

When I buy cigarettes, I normally get20 in a pack
When I buy cigarettes, they usually cost$25  
per pack
On a usual day, I would smoke20 cigarettes
If you stopped smoking today, you could save
per month

* Please see our Products Returns Data and Our Money Back Guarantee Terms and Conditions


QSN Health

Since 2014, the QSN® Stop Smoking Program has helped thousands of people quit smoking with our unique integrated cessation program.

QSN Blog

Get videos, tips, information and advice, on Addiction, Nutrition, Wellness and Change Behaviour to help support you quit smoking.


Enter your e-mail address for helpful quit smoking advice and occasional promotions.

Get in Touch

  • NZ Call 09 887 3340
  • AU Call 1300 737 747
  • Enquire Online
  • Follow us on Facebook
  • See us on Instagram

The products and claims made about specific programs and products on this Site have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration. Click here for more information.

Results of the QSN® Stop Smoking Program may vary from person to person.

*Please see our Product Returns data (tracked since 2019) and our Money Back Guarantee terms and conditions here.

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