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Welcome to Collectorz.com, the collection database software! Easily catalog your movies, books, music, comics and games.
Work on your phone, tablet or computer and sync data between them.

Mobile app / Downloadable / Web-based
Mobile app / Downloadable / Web-based
Mobile app / Downloadable / Web-based
Mobile app / Downloadable / Web-based
Mobile app / Downloadable / Web-based

Reviews from customers

May 25, 2024
CLZ Music
In one word, AMAZING ! I also have the Movie Collector version too which is also AMAZING ! Their customer service is the Best I have ever used. I have no hesitation in recommending this app, they are simply Brilliant. Need I say more. — Terry Williams (United Kingdom)
May 16, 2024
So well so fast
It's all up and going. I especially appreciate the prompt response. Your suggestions worked pretty much like magic, leaving me wondering what I was so excited about. I can't remember a support contact working so well so fast. Thank you so very much. — Donald D. (USA)
May 03, 2024
Could not be happier
The people at CollectorZ have always responded to my questions and concerns, and always the next day from half way around the world. There are very few outfits that provide service like your team does. I don’t want you think it goes unnoticed. It’s greatly appreciated. — David H. (USA)
May 01, 2024
Customer service
Thank you for your assistance. Love this app and y'alls customer service. — Miguel M. (USA)
May 01, 2024
Super response!
As ever, I got stuck through doing something wrong but Alwin leapt to my Rescue, pointed out the likely cause and advised me how to correct it. All sorted out in ten minutes. Super response! — brian reeds (United Kingdom)
April 19, 2024
Super quick response
Thanks so much for the super quick response, it's rarely seen these days and is greatly appreciated. — David M. (Australia)
April 15, 2024
Love your software
Thank you so very much for answering my questions; you are awesome!
I love your software; keep up the great work! — Michael in Colorado (USA)
April 13, 2024
Quick response and help
Thank you very much for your quick and uncomplicated help. And also a basic thank you and honest praise for your quick response and help to your entire team.
I've only had a few points that I've had to contact you about. But there was always quick, good and understandable help. — Alex (Germany)
April 08, 2024
You guys rock, and I appreciate your thorough, extensive, and personal assistance! — Jonathan G. (USA)
April 04, 2024
Excellent customer service
Thank you so much for fixing this straight away! It is so refreshing to find really customer service these days. — Sean R. (Australia)

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Latest Collectorz.com news

Een bericht van CLZ in het Nederlands, dat is raar he?

Voor deze keer maken we een uitzondering, want we willen onze Nederlandse klanten graag uitnodigen op het leukste comic evenement van het jaar:

“Comics in the Middle of Nowhere”, op 8 juni (volgende week zaterdag)

In het dorpje “Middel”, in de buurt van Deventer, organiseren onze vrienden van ShortBox Comics een uniek en gratis comic evenement, gewoon in een weiland in Nederland.
CLZ is aanwezig met 4 mensen en zal gedurende de dag demo’s van de CLZ app geven.

We zouden het leuk vinden om je daar te ontmoeten. We delen gratis CLZ sleutelshangers uit op de CLZ stand!

Hieronder de volledige informatie van de organisatie:

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CLZ Music is now free to use up to 100 movies, for as long as you like.
This “Free Mode” includes access to all functionality, including CLZ Cloud syncing (for online backups and transferring data between devices).
Got more than 100 movies? Then subscribe (US $20 per year) and add as many albums as you need. Of course, feel free to try the app with 100 movies first!

CLZ Music is now free to use up to 100 albums, for as long as you like.
This “Free Mode” includes access to all functionality, including CLZ Cloud syncing (for online backups and transferring data between devices).
Got more than 100 albums? Then subscribe (US $15 per year) and add as many albums as you need. Of course, feel free to try the app with 100 albums first!

CLZ Games is now free to use up to 100 games, for as long as you like.
This “Free Mode” includes access to all functionality, including CLZ Cloud syncing (for online backups and transferring data between devices).
Got more than 100 games? Then subscribe (US $20 per year) and add as many games as you need. Of course, feel free to try the app with 100 games first!

CLZ Books is now free to use up to 100 books, for as long as you like.
This “Free Mode” includes access to all functionality, including CLZ Cloud syncing (for online backups and transferring data between devices).
Got more than 100 books? Then subscribe (US $15 per year) and add as many books as you need. Of course, feel free to try the app with 100 books first!

We’re nearing the end of the month, so let’s go over the CLZ News for May 2024.

This month, we released the fifth and final v9 mobile app: CLZ Music 9.0. In the meantime, CLZ Comics already saw its 9.2 release, with v9.3 coming up soon!

For your computer, the web-based software is getting lots of attention. Two feature updates for Comic Connect, and a big structural improvement to the search features for all Connect flavors.

Finally, there’s still a lot of work going on for our Core projects for movies and games, still checking and replacing thousands of cover images each week. I hope the gamers and movie fans among you are already enjoying the fruits of our labor.

Today’s topics:

  • CLZ mobile apps:
    • CLZ Music 9.0: Collection tabs, better Add Albums screen, easy people filtering
    • CLZ Comics 9.2: Improved “Updated Values” screen, after updating from CovrPrice
    • Coming up: CLZ Comics 9.3, with completely revised Pull List features
  • Connect web-based software
    • Comic Connect: use Edit Multiple to set Creators & Characters
    • Comic Connect: Jump to Issue feature (aka “the sniper button”)
    • Music/Movie/Book/Games Connect: Improved search behaviour
  • CLZ Core updates:
    • Core for Games: “Check Covers” project, 92.2% cloud coverage!
    • Core for Movies: “Check Covers” project, 62.8% cloud coverage!
    • Core for Comics: New Comic Book Day summary
  • Join the Club CLZ forum, to talk to us and other users!

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CLZ Comics (Android)

New Comic Book Day, week 22: 435 new releases!

May 29th, 2024

NCBD is nigh! We worked on 435 new releases with 195 actual new unique issues. Marvel is releasing a few important titles this week with Hellverine #1, X-Men: The Wedding Special #1 and Avengers: Twilight #6.
Image is releasing a bunch of $1 reprints for big titles from the last few years. Boom! gives us a 3rd issue for Dune: House Corrino. Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Return #4 gives us what feels like a final battle, which was what this story was leading up to. Happy reading!

All new books are now available in the CLZ Core online database, easily found through the Pull List tab in your trusted Add Comics screen.
BTW: did you know we are working on a complete refresh of this Pull List tab feature? We are also renaming it to “NCBD” to better fit it’s functionality!

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Movie Connect

Improved search behaviour

May 24th, 2024

In today’s update, we improved the behaviour after searching using the search box top right.
Previously, when you selected a movie from the “suggestions dropdown”, the software would take you to a separate full screen page showing the details of that movie. This behaviour was a bit annoying as it would take you away from the main screen and you needed to click “Back” on the top left to get back to it. Also, the main screen would then show you the full collection again and would be scrolled back at the top again. Meh..

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Game Connect

Improved search behaviour

May 24th, 2024

In today’s update, we improved the behaviour after searching using the search box top right.
Previously, when you selected a game from the “suggestions dropdown”, the software would take you to a separate full screen page showing the details of that game. This behaviour was a bit annoying as it would take you away from the main screen and you needed to click “Back” on the top left to get back to it. Also, the main screen would then show you the full collection again and would be scrolled back at the top again. Meh..

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Book Connect

Improved search behaviour

May 24th, 2024

In today’s update, we improved the behaviour after searching using the search box top right.
Previously, when you selected a book from the “suggestions dropdown”, the software would take you to a separate full screen page showing the details of that book. This behaviour was a bit annoying as it would take you away from the main screen and you needed to click “Back” on the top left to get back to it. Also, the main screen would then show you the full collection again and would be scrolled back at the top again. Meh..

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