Park at Hotel

Safely park your car at the hotel for your entire trip - at no extra cost.

Sleep Soundly

Stay at the hotel the night before or after your trip.

Shuttle to Airport

A shuttle will take you to the airport and pick you back up when you return.

Our latest deals

Explore our latest park, sleep, fly deals – there’s sure to be one that suits you…
The best DTW parking around
If you're looking for an airport hotel with parking at DTW, we've got just what you need
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Discover amazing LAX deals
Find amazing deals on our LAX Airport hotel and parking packages
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SEA parking at the best price
For SEA airport hotels and parking at the best price, compare and book now
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We have so much more to offer

Explore our range of quality hotel and parking deals!
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Hotel room only deals
Wanting to book just a room at an airport hotel without the parking? That’s no problem - find our best hotel room only deals
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Parking only deals
Looking for airport parking without the hotel stay? We've got you covered with our best parking only deals
Park sleep fly deals
Flying from a US or Canadian airport and need accommodation overnight before you depart? Check out our park sleep fly deals

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Popular Park Sleep Fly locations

Planning your next trip? You’ll find great park and fly packages - wherever you’re departing from.
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Book your Park Sleep Fly hotel, parking, and shuttle package with confidence

Compare with us to get the best price

We offer park sleep fly packages for all US and Canada airports, with plenty of affordable options to suit every traveler and budget. Just compare our range of great park sleep fly deals to find the right one for you at the best price.

How does park sleep fly work?

Our park sleep fly packages are the cheapest and most convenient way to travel. In one simple booking you get a comfortable hotel room for the night before or after your flight, somewhere safe and secure to park your vehicle for your whole trip, and a free shuttle from your lot to the airport terminal and back again. You just need to turn up, park n fly!

Why should I book a hotel park and fly package?

With one of our stay park fly packages, you get your hotel, parking, and shuttle all in one quick and easy reservation, with great savings compared to on-site airport parking.

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