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From the best gemstones and Czech glass to the coolest supplies, we carry it all.

Thank you-I got my order FAST
Love your web site-easy to get around and it's great that the items show up on the order page-also that the bags are maked with numbers so I know what I bought.
A lot of care and love went into your business and it shows
Glad I found you

Caprice C. in Huachuca City, AZ

I just received my first order from Lima Beads and I am so excited! Everything was so beautiful and such good quality. I am totally happy with my order and your web site is unlike any other! Your shipping prices are soooo much better than other sites and it got here faster than any other bead order I've ever placed anywhere. You have made a loyal lima beader out of me. Thanks so much!

Wanda T. in Yorktown, VA